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General Settings

Customer Success Team

Last updated on Sep 11, 2024

General Settings section is developed to configure the General information of your workspace as well as third-party integrations, like Payment Gateways, mailing provider, etc.

General Settings are divided into several sections, each requiring a certain type of information to be filled in. You'll find additional guidance on the tooltips below the fields.

Account Settings contains the general information on your workspace.

Email section: Ucraft has already taken care of the emails to be sent to your users on different actions, so all you need to do is connect your email provider to your Platform by filling in the appropriate fields. There are two options you can choose from Mandrill and SMTP drivers.


Upload your Logo and Favicon from the Logo section to be displayed throughout your Platform. We suggest adding your Logo adjusted to the light and dark backgrounds.


On the URL section you will need to fill in the redirect and essential URLs related to your Platform.

Main Site URL is your main website’s URL, to which your users will be taken when clicking on the Logo.

Show Tour Video option shows a tour video to a user who enters the Edit Mode of his website for the first time. Video Tour Url supports YouTube, Vimeo and Custom links (.mp4, .ogg and .webm formats).

Help Center URL is the link to your Platforms help articles.

Privacy Policy and Terms of Conditions links will appear on the Sign In/ Sign Up popup and redirect your users to the corresponding pages.

Payment Settings section allows partners to set their Payment Gateway.

The Payment Gateways available to Paygo partners are Braintree, Stripe, and Idram.

Select the Payment Gateway you want to enable for your workspace by checking the appropriate checkbox and filling in the credentials.


There is a number of Integrations available on your Platform, which you can enable via Other Credentials tab.

Make sure to through the list and check out which widgets and integrations you want to enable on your end, and fill in the requested credentials.

  • Namecheap is one of the top domain registrar services. You can choose to become a domain reseller by enabling the *Namecheap *integration for your Builder by pasting your Username and API key. Your users can then purchase domains without leaving their websites' Edit Modes directly on the Domain App. Make sure to check the article on How to run a domain reseller program on your platform.
  • Mailchimp is an email provider whose services you may use to outreach your users and send them marketing-oriented newsletters. You may go through the short article on How to enable Mailchimp Integration for your customers.
  • Segment is a customer data platform to collect, clean, and control your customer data. This helps you divide your platform users into more defined groups based on their activity and specified rules. We strongly suggest going through the help article on How to Setup Data Tracking via Segment.
  • Intercom is a messaging platform used to communicate with your platform leads and active users. As you might have already noticed, Ucraft itself uses Intercom to provide customer support to its users. A chat icon in the bottom right corner of your screen when visiting Ucraft.com.
  • You may use Intercom integrated with Segment, to gather the information or use it separately by filling in the Access Token.
  • Check the Facebook and Google Social Providers checkboxes if you want to enable Login with Facebook and Login with Google functionalities. You will find more info on Facebook Client ID and Client Secret here. Follow this link to set up Google Sign-In.
  • Facebook Pixel is an analytics tool that allows you to track visitor activity on your website. Just paste the Facebook Pixel code to enable it.
  • Google Tag Manager is a free tool that allows you to manage and deploy marketing tags. More information on Google Tag Manager here.

Once you are done here, just hit the Update General Settings button or the Update & Continue Editing if you wish to continue with that action.


Ucraft Team