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Currency Switcher Widget

Customer Success Team

Last updated on Sep 02, 2024

A Currency Switcher widget allows users to change the displayed currency for prices and transactions. It enables them to choose from a list of supported currencies, view real-time conversions, set preferences, and ensures a consistent experience by updating prices. The widget is crucial for businesses catering to a global audience or targeting regions with different currencies, enhancing user experience and localization efforts.

The Currency Switcher widget encompasses all the currencies that have been previously set up. Navigate to Dashboard > Settings > Project Details to add the desired currencies, specify the default one, and follow the outlined steps to complete the configuration process.

Adding a Currency Switcher Widget

To add a Currency Switcher widget:

  1. Go to the Visual Editor by clicking Design on the Dashboard top panel or by navigating from Dashboard > Channels > Design.
  2. Navigate to the Widgets list on the Visual Editor Left Panel.
  3. Type the widget name in the search bar or expand the Advanced group to access the Language Switcher widget.
  4. Drag the widget and drop it into your desired area, preferably within the header.

Configuring the Currency Widget

To design the appearance and behavior of the Currency Switcher widget, activate the Property Panel, where you can customize its Styles and Settings according to your preferences. To do so:

  1. Go to the widget Styles to make the required configuration of general styling features (see Global Styles) to achieve the desired visual and functional outcomes.
  • Select the CSS design framework States - Normal, Hover, and Focus.
  • Select how the currency is displayed when triggered: Dropdown or List.
  • Activate/deactivate the toggles for displaying a country flag, currency name, and currency code on the page.
  • In the List view mode, make the Orientation either Horizontal or Vertical.

2. Go to the widget Settings to:

  • Set the widget visibility (see Visibility Settings) on the website based on criteria such as your customers' location, session status, device type, browser, language preference, etc., to tailor it to specific user segments or conditions.
  • Enable the Open on Hover feature to allow your customers to access the currency dropdown menu to choose the preferable one by simply hovering over the widget.

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