The Gallery UI element displays a collection of images, videos, or other media items in an organized and visually appealing manner.
To configure Gallery:
- Go to Styles to modify the element styling features:
- Select the current condition of the element from the State dropdown:
- Normal: The default state of Gallery when it is not being interacted.
- Hover: The state of Gallery when the user hovers over it with the mouse cursor.
- Expand General:
- Indicate the number of Gallery columns and rows.
- Indicate the gap between Gallery items.
- Make the necessary configuration of principal styling features (see Global Styles).

2. Go to Settings to modify the element styling features:
- Enable/disable Tags to display/hide the label assigned to an image or item within the gallery.
- Enable/disable Image Preview to display/hide the preview of the content available in the gallery.
- Select None/Button/Pagination to display the Load More button/Pagination icon below the media content or hide it.

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