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Team App

Customer Success Team

Last updated on Jul 08, 2024

Collaborate efficiently to improve your website using the Team App! If you're working on your site with a group, invite any member to help you build the site, improve its design, style, and content.

\ Check out this video to get the virtual tour!

Inviting the Team

Your team members will receive an email with instructions on how to join the crew. Using the controllers on the right, you can add more team members and change their roles.

If your team members finish their website sections, you can remove them by clicking the Close icon (x).  The members will receive an email that the website collaboration has concluded.

!Note: The Team App is not available on a Free Website Plan, so to activate this feature, you'll need to upgrade to one of our Paid Plans.

Team Roles

While designing your website, there are seven primary roles your teammates can fulfill: Owner, Admin, Billing Admin, Marketer, Editor, Designer and Store Manager. Each team member has different access to the website's Edit Mode and Dashboard Apps.

The Owner

According to the website subscription plan, the Owner has the same permissions as the primary Owner. The Owner has access to all the Apps, Effects, Elements, and tools on the website and can delete the site.

The Admin

The Admin has complete control over the website, except for deleting the website or the domain connected to it. There are some restrictions specifically in the Site settings app. The Admin can not enable or disable the "Site Versioning" and "Site Caching functionality", thus if the functionalities are enabled by the owner, the Admin will need the Owner of the website to publish the latest version of the website after changes. Also, the code injection section is not available for the Admin.

The Billing Admin

The Billing Admin is responsible for making payments on the website and add or remove payment methods. You can choose to invite your team member as a default Billing admin. Once the Billing admin receives an invitation and click on it, they will need to access the Account settings Subscription section to see the role in function as the website will be among their subscriptions.

The Marketer

According to the website subscription plan, the Marketer has more access to Edit Mode and Dashboard Apps than the Editor or Designer. The Marketer has access to the Elements, Effects, Colors, Blocks, and Preview sections.

  • Available Apps for Marketer*:*** Pages, Designer Tools, Media, SEO, Domain, Logo Maker, Site Settings, Articles, Integrations, Languages, Fonts, eCommerce. They have access to the Team app but with a restriction of inviting new members to the team.

The Editor

The Editor manages the pages, content, SEO, and can add new languages and articles to the website. The Editor also has access to the Elements, Colors, Dashboard Preview sections.

  • Available Apps for Editor*:*** Pages, Media, SEO, Logo Maker, Articles, Integrations, Languages, Fonts, eCommerce, Pop-Ups app.

The Designer

The Designer can edit and customize page design, which includes access to Layout, Typography, and the UI Kit. The Designer also can use the Effects, Colors, Blocks, Elements, Dashboard and Preview sections.

  • Available Apps for Designer: Pages, Designer Tools, Media, SEO, Logo Maker, Site settings, Languages, Fonts, eCommerce, Pop-Ups app.

Store Manager

The store manager has full access to the eCommerce App and its features. The manager can add new products, manage the marketing, set up new payment and shipping methods, change store settings, etc.

  • Available Apps for Store Manager: eCommerce App, all the Apps included in eCommerce.

!Note: You can also give our Support Team access so we may assist you during the editing process. You can grant access by heading to your Profile > Account Access. The access automatically expires after 30 days.\ ​\ ​

Invite new team members to collaborate and create a fantastic website!

If you have any questions or concerns, contact us directly via the Live Chat box, located in the lower right corner. Our Support Team will provide you with top-notch quality support, 24/7.