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Sign Up Social Buttons

Customer Success Team

Last updated on Sep 02, 2024

The Sign Up Social Buttons widget refers to the buttons on the website that allow your customers to register or create an account using their existing social media accounts, such as Facebook and Google. These buttons simplify the registration process. They allow customers to avoid manually entering their information and instead use their social media credentials to quickly sign up for a new account.

Adding a Sign Up Social Buttons Widget

To add a Sign Up Social Buttons widget:

  1. Access the Visual Editor from the Sales Channels on the Dashboard Left Panel and navigate to the Sign Up system page.
  2. Go to the Widgets list on the Visual Editor Left Panel.
  3. Type the widget name in the search bar, or expand the User Account group to access the Sign Up Social Buttons widget.

  4. Drag and drop the Sign Up Social Buttons widget onto the desired area.

Configuring the Sign Up Social Buttons Widget

To design the appearance and behavior of the Sign Up Social Buttons widget, activate the Property Panel of the widget by clicking it to access the widget Styles and Settings.

  1. Go to widget Styles to configure the general styling features (see Global Styles) to achieve the desired visual and functional outcomes.
  2. Go to the widget Settings to set its visibility (see Visibility Settings) on the website based on criteria such as your customers' location, session status, device type, browser, language preference, etc., to tailor it to specific user segments or conditions.

Important: Once the design is ready, make sure to install apps supporting social login from the Dashboard > Apps section. Currently, the platform offers the Sign in with Facebook and Sign in with Google apps and requires configuration of the relevant keys.

Note: Styling social buttons is constrained by the guidelines set forth by Google and Facebook.

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